Reindeers’ Eyes Change Colour

Canadian (November 2, 2013). Scientists have discovered a strange twist with the eye colour of Artic Reindeer. They found that the colour of their eyes change, depending upon the season. They believe that the reason for this is to help the reindeer adapt to the low light conditions in the winter and also to help them recognizing possible predators […]

The Abominable Snowman

Canadian (October 21, 2013) Normally we don’t write articles about legends, myths, rumors, stories, etc, but since there is now some scientific research about the Abominable Snowman (Yeti), we decided to discuss their findings. For eons, the natives of the Himalaya Mountains have discussed an apelike species that lives there. Was it a legend or myth, no one knew […]

Brown Trout Adapt to Polluted Water

Canadian Angling. com (August 21, 2013) Brown trout have been found to adapt to contaminated water, in a recent study by King’s College and London University of Exeter (England). They found that a population of brown trout is surviving in the River Hayle in Cornwall, England. This river has extremely high concentrations of metals and they found out that these […]

Do Fish Feel Pain?

Canadian (Aug. 28, 2013) — We have been asked many times, “Do fish feel pain?” Well, we have an answer for you: the latest research says that they don’t feel pain like we do. A team of researchers of fishery scientists, behavioral ecologists and neurobiologists have reached this consensus.

New Type of Pollution: Pharmaceuticals

June 24, 2013 (Canadian Recent studies are showing that aquatic life and water quality of streams, rivers, and lakes are being damaged by pharmaceuticals. A recent Ecological Paper focused on the damage and cost of these chemicals. We require further study to completely understand the effects on the environment and our fresh water.

Honeybees at Risk, Are We Next?

April 2, 2013 (Canadian Scientific studies in March have found that a combination of pesticides that are commonly used in agriculture are effecting the bee’s ability to learn and could interfere with the learning circuits in their brains. This is very important since the bees must forage to find floral food for the nest. Bees are one of the […]